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The Ultimate We Pageant, symbolizes the beauty of motherhood and fatherhood displayed through love, growth, and bond they have for one another. The value of the concept of "Ultimate We," is to work their hardest in being as one together.  We have enhanced the pageant to other relatives such as grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins, because each living situation maybe different but we all parties to have that opportunity. In this pageant family participants will be paired up with their child of choice. (One Child per Category) through 2 weeks of pageantry training and life skills training beginning April 22, 2018. There is a calendar that will display the 2 weeks of training that could be done live in person or online. You are not required to attend all classes and workshops, but required to one core class, choreography class is mandatory, and final rehearsal is mandatory. During the duration of the time in the pageant you will complete 5 hours of Community service and must take at least one paid workshop if one is available.  Majority of the workshops include both parent and child to help master the skills of pageantry. Looking forward to making memories that can be passed down from generation to generation, while having fun.


© 2015 by The Ultimate We Pageant

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